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Hamilton House

The Reel

Standard sets with Ms on the left and Fs on the right.​ Set are divided into six couples, with couples 1 and 4 starting the dance. This means that when a couple reaches the top they must wait for two repeats without dancing at all before they can begin as a dancing couple.

  1. F1 sets off, ignores her partner, sets to M2, and turns M3, then moves behind the Ms' line, up to between the second couple.

  2. Once F1 has turned M3, M1 sets off, setting to the F2, and turning F3, ending up between the third couple.

  3. F1 joins hands with the second couple facing down the set and M1 joins hands with the third couple facing up the set, creating two lines perpendicular to the set.

  4. The lines advance towards each other for four beats, then retreat for four beats, with everyone clapping on the eighth beat.

  5. The dancing couple turn each other, and M1 places F1 between the other Ms and ends up between the Fs. 

  6. Repeat 4.

  7. Dancing couple turn each other again, ending up back on their own side, one couple down from where they started.

  8. Repeat.

Video Tutorial

Thanks to John Carver and London Reels for allowing us to use their video tutorials

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